Closed! Hard Money Loan in Los Angeles: $365,000 @ 12.50%

Business owners sought a $365,000 business purpose 2nd Trust Deed loan on this owner-occupied single-family residence in Los Angeles, Los Angeles County, CA.  Loan proceeds will be used for Borrower’s business, Powerfade Marketing, LLC (  A Powerfade P&L for 2023 is in the CTD Due Diligence File and shows a company Net Income of $405k.…

Done Deal! Hard Money Commercial Purchase in North Hollywood: $604,500 @ 12.00%, 1st TD, 65.00% LTV

Successful business owner sought a 1st Trust Deed to purchase this owner-occupied, commercial property in North Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA. In addition to our loan, borrower is bringing in $374,000 “skin in the game” cash to close towards purchase. Investor Equity Protection on this new loan is $325,500. The rehab is expected to take about 45…

Recent Hard Money Transaction in Perris: $325,000 @ 12.00%

Borrowers/realtor sought a 1st TD business purpose cash out loan to remodel this “free and clear”, non-owner-occupied investment SFR property in Perris, Riverside County, CA. Funds will be placed into Funds Control to fully remodel this SFR; project managed by a licensed General Contractor. Exit strategy: conventional refinance once complete. The subject property is a single…

Recently Funded Hard Money Blanket Loan in Costa Mesa and Palm Desert

Repeat Mortgage Vintage Inc. through “CrowdTrustDeed” borrower, very successful Southern California realtor and real estate investor sought a 1st TD blanket cash out loan on these two “Free and Clear” non-owner occupied SFR + Condo investment properties. The Condo is in Costa Mesa, Orange County, CA and the SFR is located in the Palm Valley…

Closed! Hard Money Purchase in Santa Ana: $1,750,000 @ 10.50%

Real Estate Investor and business owner-user sought a business purpose loan to purchase this commercial industrial building.  Property will be owner-occupied by the borrower’s company which will operate a fully licensed cannabis cultivation and distribution business. This Santa Ana Green Zone Subject Property is a multi-tenant industrial building located in the Dyer Business Park within…

Done Deal! Hard Money Loan in Santa Ana: $325,000 @ 12.00%

Business owner sought this business purpose 2nd Trust Deed loan on this owner-occupied single-family residence in Santa Ana,Orange County, CA.  100% of the loan proceeds will be used to towards the borrower’s business, Harbor Sofas and Mattresses, to increase sales. Borrower states that he recently partnered with Wayfair to help expand his furniture business.  The…

Recent Hard Money Transaction in Stevenson Ranch: $155,000

Business owner sought a $155,000 business purpose 2nd Trust Deed loan on this non-owner-occupied condo residence in Stevenson Ranch, Los Angeles County, CA.  The loan proceeds will be used towards the Borrower’s business, Digital Interiors (, to purchase office equipment and software to improvement automation and revenue.  The parent company of Digital Interiors is B&W…